America s next top model cycle 13 episode 4

It was episode 4 of “America’s Next Top Model: Cycle 13” last night and it kicked off, with the models getting a runway walk lesson from J. Alexander and a little girl, who were there to prove that you don’t have to be tall to strut your stuff on the runway. And according to, this was all to prepare them for their challenge, which was to do a runway show where each girl, would have to walk along with a tall model. Lulu didn’t impress either, with her boring facial expressions and short strides. Britney on the other hand, delivered a confident performance, stretching from head to toe. She obviously made an impression, as she won the challenge. And Britney’s prize for winning was to pose, for Seventeen Magazine’s prom photo shoot. Britney chose Laura and Kara to pose alongside her. Then back at the house, Britney and Ashley talk about Bianca behind her back. Next was the photo shoot, which was all about the models looking longer and it was Lulu that got sent home.

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