Maurice Strong

Maurice Strong:

Who is Maurice Strong?

Everything old is new again” could be the music theme for the Copenhagen Summit where former politicians are recycled back onto the international scene.

Canada’s Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, defeated as the media-dubbed “Mr. Dithers” following the multi million dollar Sponsorship ad scandal by Conservative leader Stephen Harper in 2006, is being recycled at the Copenhagen summit.
A protege of one of the Kyoto Protocol architects and UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong from his youth up to and including his time in the PMO, Martin is using Copenhagen to criticize the USA, which he says should shoulder some of the “burden” for Canadian greenhouse gas emissions as the chief recipient of energy from Alberta’s oilsands.

While Greenpeace and other assorted activists had to content themselves by shouting their slogans outside the conference, Martin was interviewed from a Copenhagen hotel room by the Toronto Star.

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