Lil Wayne Detained

Lil Wayne Detained:

As of yesterday night Lil Wayne has been detained and this again for the charges related to the possession of illegal recreational substances. Lil Wayne is touring and his tour buses were checked at random as canine officers sniffed something suspicious. On investigation two of the buses were found to have marijuana.

Reports are that Lil Wayne did not have marijuana to himself and he is not being arrested. His scheduled concert in Laredo has also been cancelled.

Unfortunately the artist has struggled with drug related problems throughout most of his professional career. He has admittedly publicly that he smokes marijuana but has left his codeine habit behind. Lil Wayne received a brush with law enforcement agencies twice in 2007.

First he was arrested as he was found smoking weed outside a tour bus with a tour operator after a performance. As police investigated Lil Wayne was also found to have a gun in his possession. Later in 2007 he was again apprehended for the drugs and felony related charges. However police did not press charges and he was released.

In 2008 in an incident just like the present one, he was touring Arizona. His tour buses were checked by canine police officers and the buses were found to have significant quantities of recreational substances including marijuana and cocaine.

Just two months ago a he was sentenced to serve one year behind the bars. His term is due to be started in coming February.

It is still not known whether he would be charged formally for the possession of marijuana in his tour bus.

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