Secrets of Aspen

Secrets of Aspen:

Cat fights, hot tubs and steamy hookups graced VH1's late-night Sunday spot with the series premiere of "Secrets of Aspen," a reality show set in Aspen, Colo. that follows six fabulous women spending their summer in the wealthy town.

The premiere episode introduced viewers to the issues between Brooke, the Aspen insider, and Laura, the most hated woman in town.

I didn't really feel this show appealed to me when I saw the first few commercials, but it took a mere one minute and 43 seconds for my mind to be completely changed. Drama, drama, drama! It was a moment of secret drama, but sometimes that is the deadliest.

The story goes like this: Laura thinks she and Brooke are best friends. In reality, Brooke can't stand Laura, feels she is absolutely fake and is annoyed that Laura continues to throw it in her face that she helped Brooke out for a few weeks by letting her stay with her in California a year ago. Hand Brooke an Oscar because Laura ate it up that they are best friends forever.

Brooke's irritation only grew while shopping with Laura that afternoon. Brooke was telling her best friend Lisa that a male model whom she had a thing with once or twice was coming back in town. She felt he was way below her intellectually, but Brooke just kept pushing her that maybe he is exactly what she needs. Brooke looked like she was going to explode because Laura just didn't get it. My favorite moment was definitely when Laura told Brooke she just didn't want to see Brooke "raped of her innocence" as she was in her last relationship. Brooke looked shocked, as I probably did, too. Way out of line!

We heard all about what Laura did for Brooke while she was balling her eyes out on the phone with another woman, outraged and heartbroken that Brooke had stood her up for their hair/makeup date before a big party. Apparently, Laura supported Brooke after her father cut her off. Now, Laura is not ashamed to say that she expects Brooke to be there for her when she needs her. Brooke's plan at the party that night was too avoid Laura all together.

Probably better off, since Laura had enough problems at the party. I couldn't help but say " Whoa!" when she completely stole a man away from Robin on the dance floor, a man she had introduced Robin to earlier that night. A tug-of-war game for the man ensued, and Robin was floored when Laura and the man's dance landed them in the bathroom together. Absolutely unbelievable! Laura claimed the man was giving her that save-me look, but as an outsider I never saw it.

But, wait! Laura wasn't done peeing on her territory and making herself known among the girls. After her bathroom escapade, Laura pulled Brooke to the side to discuss her supposed betrayal. Brooke understood why Laura was upset, but she told her she can't be with her all the time. When Laura was convinced Brooke wasn't getting it, she told her she has a lot of growing to do.

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