Frys Electronics

Frys Electronics:

One more look at another retailer offering great deals on Black Friday this year. We are less than twenty-fours away from the rush to the stores with most opening at 5am in the morning to give shoppers a jump on the holiday shopping season.

One of my favorite stores year round is Fry's Electronics. The big store moved into the area a few years ago, and when it comes to electronics their prices come close to being unbeatable. Their customer service is also always top notch. I've had a number of returns to make over the years for defective products, and they have never argued even once. Cash back or a replacement item is always quickly given.

The store is also having a special one day Thanksgiving sale through their online website as well. For their Black Friday specials you can check here. For my other Black Friday Deals posts, you can check here. Fry's Electronics will open at 5am on Friday.


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