Glee Episode 5 Video

The power struggle was on between April Rhodes (Kristin Chenoweth, guest starring) and Rachel Berry on Glee Episode 5. Without Rachel, Quinn proves to be a less than adequate replacement for the "Don't Stop Believing" solo, what with the morning sickness and the lack of talent and stuff. Everyone seems desperate to snatch Rachel back from Sandy's grasp in the school production of Cabaret and reinstate her as the rightful Glee star. Everyone, except Will, that is. While at a restaurant with Terri, Will comes upon a former student of his, who continually fails his senior year in order to stay in "Verbal Adrenaline" so they can continue winning top awards. This little seed causes Will to look up his former crush and former Glee goddess, April Rhodes, who was a senior when he was a freshman in high school. Turns out April never graduated and is thus eligible to come back and join Glee. Too bad she's an alcoholic fame whore who missed the boat to adulthood. In order to win over the other Glee members, April teaches Kurt to drink and Mercedes and Tina to shoplift. She even confronts Rachel in the girls bathroom, where she makes it clear she's ready to rule the school again. Her antics are only brought to Will's attention once Kurt comes into school loaded and vomits all over Emma, who then has to go to the emergency room to be fully decontaminated. Once Will confronts Kristin, however, she quickly repents--although she yields far too easily for it to be genuine. (She also gets in a few good tunes in the meantime, such as "Maybe This Time" from Cabaret, with a cameo by Rachel). Meanwhile, Emma tells Finn he may be able to get a music scholarship if he plays his cards right. He decides he needs to get Rachel back into Glee in order for them to win, and thus for him to get noticed. He chooses the dishonorable method by playing on Rachel's feelings for him. He gets her to go bowling with him, tells her he appreciates her, and in general acts so sweet that Rachel kisses him and promises to come back to Glee. Clearly, Finn is using her for his own purposes, and has other things on his mind (such as his knocked up girlfriend), but the question is, are there real feelings there? When Puck lets Glee club know that Quinn is pregnant, and Finn is the father (even though he knows that's not true), Rachel's dreams are soon dashed. She confronts Finn, who admits that he wasn't honest with her, and he was using her to get the scholarship. But he also says the kiss was real. Too late, however. "My dreams are bigger than that, and they're bigger than you," Rachel declares, as she stomps off to find Sue Sylvester, making her sole appearance in the episode. Sue grants Rachel full artistic direction in the musical after she finds out Sandy wanted to write himself into the play. ("I was aroused, then furious," was her signature hilarious line.) However, Rachel doesn't look as happy as you'd assume she would. April then shows up at Glee's first live performance completely smashed. Emma lets Will know that she's disappointed in his choice to continue working with April, but April hits the stage any way and delivers a rousing performance of "Last Name" by Carrie Underwood. Afterwards, however, April's ellation is shortlived. She realizes her moment in the sun has passed, and tells Will the kids are lucky to have him so they don't end up turning out like she did. Rachel then appears and announces that "being a star didn't make me feel as special as being your friend." It seems that her and Finn are finally willing to do what's right, as he welcomes her back into Glee club despite Quinn's protests. Then, of course, she steps in for the final performance, "Somebody to Love" by Queen. And this was seriously good. We're talking chills here. Glee--it just keeps getting better.

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