Big Brother 11 Episode 19

Big Brother is coming down to the final weeks of their 11th season, and the house guests are getting very close to voting on who will take home the $500,000 prize. In the last episode of Big Brother 11, there was a new head of household competition after Chima was expelled from the Big Brother house for refusing to follow the rules of the house. Jordan won the head of household, and chose to nominate Lydia and Natalie for eviction from the Big Brother house. The power of veto competition and power of veto ceremony were postponed until the Thursday show of Big Brother 11, making it a really action packed episode of competitions. All of the events were set to be aired live for the East coast viewers of Big Brother 11. The Big Brother Lie Finding their backs against the wall, Lydia, Natalie, and Kevin came up with an idea to break up the other side of the house. The lie they planned to slip to Jordan and Jeff was that they had overheard a conversation between Russell and Michele that they would be trying to “split up the couple” next week. The couple in this instance is Jeff and Jordan, and Kevin tossed the lie to Jeff, finding him all-too-accepting of the information. Jeff took the story to Jordan, leaving both extremely worried, and believing that Kevin would never lie to them. The seed was successfully planted. Big Brother Power of Veto Competition Participating in the power of veto competition were the HOH (Jordan) the two nominees (Natalie and Lydia), and three randomly selected players (Kevin, Jeff, and Michele). That left only Russell not participating. The power of veto competition was a series of questions involving events in the house, and each time they had to guess if something happened before or after a second event. The first question everyone got right. On the second question, Jeff, Lydia, and Natalie were eliminated. On the third question, they all got it correct. The fourth question eliminated Kevin, leaving just Michele and Jordan competing. After they answered several questions the same way, it went to a tie-breaker. The question was to answer how many truffles were in the mud-pit during the “flying pigs” competition. Jordan was closest, giving her the power of veto win.

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