Would You Like to Listen to the Michael Jackson 911 Call?

Would You Like to Listen to the Michael Jackson 911 Call?Of course you would!

It's been two hours since TMZ got ahold of the call to 911 reporting Michael Jackson's heart attack and we haven't posted it. Dereliction of duty!

In the call, a very flustered, obsequious man asks for an ambulance to be sent for a man who has collapsed and is no longer breathing. The only thing sensational about it is that it is now out there. How are people framing their decision to serve up something they know will fascinate you?

Jason Calacanis sees a conspiracy where there clearly is none.

The Awl hopes you won't notice their link.

In a rare instance demonstration of common sense, Perez Hilton kept his mouth shut and posted it without comment.

And Gawker's editor decided to go for a meta take rather than the only honest one: present something like this for its sheer voyeuristic value.

source : http://gawker.com

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