Self-help guru Deepak Chopra exploits Michael Jackson connection: Did he attempt to help?

Self-help guru Deepak Chopra exploits Michael Jackson connection: Did he attempt to help? Deepak Chopra claims to be a close friend of Michael Jackson's. Yet, this man who conducts expensive seminars and writes best-selling books to help people with mental and emotional problems apparently did nothing to help his good friend Jackson. It would seem that someone who was as close as Chopra claims to have been with Jackson would have been able to do something for his friend.

Dr. Chopra says he was a very good friend and confidant of Jackson for twenty plus years, yet there is no evidence that he ever reached out to support Jackson in stopping his drug use or his immature behavior. He is, however, on all the media outlets sharing his insights into Michael Jackson and getting as much publicity for himself as possible.

Now that Michael Jackson is dead, Deepak Chopra is all over the media with his glittery glasses and outwardly calm demeanor. He is not using his alleged friendship to support Jackson's family or children, but, rather, acting as a spin expert to further his own career. He's probably already pondering another bestseller about his deep relationship with Michael Jackson.

I personally like many of Chopra's books, but his blatant exploitation of Michael Jackson's death is too much for me. Michael Jackson was a troubled genius who could have benefited from the insight and support of someone with the expertise of Dr. Chopra. People pay thousands of dollars to attend Chopra's seminars just so they can be around him and listen to his advice and teachings. Yet, he does not seem to have done anything on Michael's behalf. Perhaps if he would have followed his own teachings and been a bit more selfless, he would have created the time and circumstances to offer Jackson a helping hand and genuine friendship in his hour of need.

May we all find the time and ability to step away from our personal egos to help others in need. And may we learn from the tragic death of Michael Jackson so that others need not unconsciously suffer a similar fate.

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