Patriots receiver Wes Welker's message well-received

Patriots receiver Wes Welker's message well-receivedWes Welker has spent the majority of his football career as the consummate underdog.

He was too small, too slow and not athletic enough to move on to the next level.

However, Welker has flourished and now the New England Patriots’ standout will teach the lessons he’s learned at his annual football camp for at-risk youths in the Oklahoma City area.

While his life struggles were different than what these children are facing, Welker said the principles remain the same.

The camp is designed to help underprivileged youth in the area by allowing them an opportunity they might not have been able to experience otherwise. And it’s free.

"Being able to give these kids this experience is the most gratifying thing for me,” Welker said. "These kids rarely get opportunities and they are so happy to be there, grateful and appreciative. Their response every time makes it worthwhile.”

The Oklahoma City native hosts the fourth annual 83 Foundation football camp at his former school, Heritage Hall.

Katie Taylor, 83 Foundation executive director, said the event has grown steadily and reached an all-time high with 360 participants this year. She said a lot of the success directly comes from Welker’s genuine passion to help underprivileged children in Oklahoma City.

"He had advantages, but he also had things that were obstacles for him and these kids all have challenges too,” Taylor said. "He just shows them if you try hard and have a good attitude good things can happen for you.

"It’s stressing the things you learn being part of a team and having people you can rely on. Wes is trying to instill life lessons ... his goal is to build a better community. That’s what fuels Wes.”

Taylor said the camp features most of the same events as a regular football practice, ending with a scrimmage. Taylor said Welker gets "down and dirty” with each group and delivers focused instruction.

Welker will be joined at the camp by former Patriot teammates Larry Izzo of the New York Jets and Matt Cassel of the Kansas City Chiefs this weekend. Welker said he likes to show current and former teammates what Oklahoma is about because of the constant jabs he receives in the locker room.

"This is where I grew up, it’s home for me,” Welker said. "It’s a place I take a lot of pride in.”

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