Kolbrin Bible

Kolbrin Bible:

There is almost no information anywhere on the web because this obscure Bible is a collection of ancient texts that contain versions of Biblical events that are not approved by the church.

Most people who have heard of the Kolbrin Bible did so from hearing the lectures of James McCanney or reading his book PLANET-X COMETS & EARTH CHANGES. People who want to know the older versions of Biblical history will find much of what they are looking for in the two books that comprise the Kolbrin.

You can purchase the bible from Goodeys Bookshop in New Zealand. It is quite expensive, but if you are a person who wants to do original research on such things, it is certainly worth the money.

The Kolbrin Bible consists of two books. The first is titled The Kolbrin. This book is a nice hard cover volume 12 x 8, 443 pages. The title is in gold on a traditional cloth binding. The introduction describes the Kolbrin as a collection of books compiled from several sources that were saved from destruction many times. Much of the material was damaged and incomplete. It has been reconstructed as well as possible by many people and the reader is told to take the material for its own value because no guarantee can be given for its relationship to the original documents-people involved over the centuries have done the best they could to preserve the material in the ways that they could. This volume is priced at $75 NZ dollars.

The second volume is called The Gospel of the KAILEDY. This volume is similar in color and gold embossed. It is 8 ½ x 6, 178 pages. This volume is essentially the New Testament. It is priced at $50 NZ dollars. Shipping to the United States for both volumes on my receipt was $43 NZ dollars. The total of $168 NZ dollars was about $130 in US dollars. The exchange rate may change.

These books are not something that Christians who believe that the current versions of the Bible they use are the word of God are going to like. The Kailedy is in some ways a traditional New Testament. The statements of Jesus reflect many beliefs that todays Christians, especially Born Again Christians will reject in ways that will require more moderate thinking people to take cover, or remember they left the water running and leave quickly.

Students of Zecharia Sitchin or others supporting the view that aliens or ancient astronauts were involved in earth development or genetics will find some information that is of value to their research in the Kolbrin.

Those who are well versed in the changes that have been made in biblical documents at various times will recognize the familiar alterations of other versions, but their research will be greatly served by the versions of Jesus statements that reflect the original versions with very different meanings, and show the subtle alterations that change the beliefs of Jesus to those that are profitable to the church. People who have found value in Laurence Gardeners work will gain from studying the Kailedy.

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