Imogen Lloyd Webber:
imogen lloyd webberImogen Lloyd Webber, The day he graduated from Cambridge with a first-class title should have been a joyous occasion for Imogen Lloyd Webber.“It was just one more day of having no energy and feel completely exhausted,” recalls the 32-year-old daughter of theater impresario Andrew Lloyd Webber.
“For months, had been living on cans of Pepsi Max to keep going because I could barely get out of bed in the morning. That could not work out what was wrong, why at 22 I felt like this.”
Was also continually lie to mourn for no apparent reason. “I attribute it to work very hard for my final university – I’m not particularly brilliant, and I was under pressure to do well.”
Then she started putting on weight. After months of working as a freelance journalist, Imogen had taken a job with a television station in the U.S. and moved to New York.
“Despite the fact that they always run around eating a lot, I was getting heavy. I’ve always been chubby, framing my 5 feet 3 inches, but the moment I started working on was a size 14, instead of eight or ten that should have been. Carrying all that extra weight does not really suit me.
Feeling tired and perplexed by her weight gain, Imogen saw his doctor. Blood tests confirmed she had hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid.
It is believed that up to one million people in the UK have hypothyroidism, explains Mark Vanderpump, consultant endocrinologist at the Royal Free Hospital in London, with women ten times more likely to than men. However, some do not realize that this is what they have, he adds, because they make your symptoms by lifestyle.
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