Kim Zolciak | Kim Zolciak Hair

Kim Zolciak | Kim Zolciak Hair | Kim Zolciak Big Papa | Kim Zolciak Big Poppa | Kim Zolciak Wig: Kim Zolciak Real Hair,Kim Zolciak:The Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Kim Zolciak gives “The Insider” a timeline of the events that led to the season-two stunner of fellow housewife Sheree Whitfield angrily pulling on Zolciak’s wig.Zolciak recalls the incident, saying: “I never anticipated that Sheree would walk and chase me outside, and come kick my [behind] per se. … like, who does that? I’m really surprised that someone of her stature and age could behave in that manner,” she goes on to say. The Real Housewives of Atlanta” airs on Thursday nights on Bravo.

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